Tag: Steve Kamper MP

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$28-million Emergency Services Precinct in central Byron Bay

NSW Parliamentary Secretary for Disaster Recovery Janelle Saffin says co-locating NSW Police and Fire and Rescue NSW on centrally-located Crown land in Byron Bay makes sense and should be a model for similar developments in future.

Media Release
Media Releases

Multicultural NSW’s Stronger Together Grants Program opens

LISMORE MP Janelle Saffin is encouraging multicultural and multifaith groups in her electorate to apply for their share of Stronger Together Grants to help stage community festivals and events which promote greater harmony.

Media Releases

Sports precinct opens after $12.4-million upgrade

Lismore MP Janelle Saffin together with Lismore Mayor Cr Steve Krieg and Page MP Kevin Hogan jointly opened the $12.4-million upgrade of Oakes Oval and Crozier Field, a landmark day for sports lovers.