Saffin secures one-off grant for Thistles’ shower cubicles project

Janelle Saffin MP has help secure a one-off grant for Thistles Soccer Club to construct and install six lockable show cubicles at its East Lismore clubhouse.

LISMORE MP Janelle Saffin has helped secure a one-off grant towards Lismore Thistles Soccer Club Incorporated’s project to construct and install six lockable shower cubicles at its East Lismore clubhouse.

Ms Saffin, who championed the club’s priority project, thanked NSW Minister for Sport Steve Kamper MP for approving the $15,710 (ex GST) grant under the NSW Government’s 2023-24 Project Support Program recently.

Ms Saffin said Thistles would engage a local contractor to build the six cubicles – three for home teams and three for away or visiting teams – promoting safe and diverse participation for girls and women.

“The fact that the club owns this site rather than leases it from Lismore City Council has meant they do not qualify for infrastructure repairs or rebuilds under normal disaster funding arrangements,” Ms Saffin said.

“Thistles is a very proactive club but having its clubhouse and fields located in a low-lying area, has meant that it has had to wear the costs of fixing damage caused by the devastating floods of February and March 2022.

“This is one of those small sporting infrastructure projects which will make a big difference to players.

“I thank club officials for their innovative and inclusive approach, particularly Grants Officer Dr Pascal Scherrer.”

Lismore Thistles Soccer Club President Tina Cotroneo said: “This grant is going to make such a difference for players having their own space to shower and relax after a game in a more private environment!

“Our goal at Thistles is to provide a fun, safe and enjoyable sporting environment that encourages all members to reach their full potential.

“This grant supports our efforts to encourage inclusion, provide a safe sporting environment and foster the growing participation of women and girls in football.

“Thank you again to all involved in the process.”

A file photo of Janelle at Thistles’ John Ryan Field in East Lismore.