Tag: Senator Murray Watt

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Get ready for a more resilient Clarence Way

Lismore MP Janelle Saffin says a significant betterment package for the Clarence Way includes delivery of one of her key election commitments to Kyogle Council — $4 million towards improving flood immunity between Sandilands and Bonalbo.

Media Release
Media Releases

Flood-damaged Richmond Valley road to be built back better

NSW Parliamentary Secretary for Disaster Recovery Janelle Saffin says $3 million of a $15.8-million Naughtons Gap Road rebuild project in Richmond Valley will go towards betterment works, making the road more resilient for future natural disasters.

Media Releases

Recovery support for flood-affected communities

Parliamentary Secretary for Disaster Recovery and Lismore MP Janelle Saffin has announced Lismore City and Tweed Shire LGAs are eligible for Disaster Recovery Funding in the wake of New Year’s Eve flooding.

Media Releases

Saffin welcomes the start of serious flood mitigation work

Janelle Saffin MP has welcomed the first injection of Commonwealth funding for priority projects under the CSIRO-led Northern Rivers Resilience Initiative as the region charts a course to a more flood-resilient future.

Media Releases

$5million to improve Northern Rivers rural drainage systems

Janelle Saffin MP has welcome modest joint funding from the Australian and NSW governments to fix rural drainage systems on the Northern Rivers but says urban or residential drains require attention as well. Both are legacy issues.

Media Releases

Saffin seeks review of $75,000 Primary Producer Grant guidelines

Janelle Saffin MP is seeking a formal review of two guidelines under the $75,000 Primary Producer Grant which she says is making it harder for farmers to access much-needed financial assistance after natural disasters such as floods, bushfires and storm events.

Media Release
Media Releases

‘Build back better’ demands a strategy, funding & empathy

Janelle Saffin MP from day one advocated for the Northern Rivers Reconstruction Corporation. This powerful regional authority goes to work from Friday and she says the task of ‘building back better’ from the floods demands a strategy, funding and empathy for affected local communities.