Tag: Kyogle Council

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Media Releases

Lions Road open to traffic

Lismore MP Janelle Saffin, Kyogle Council and local motorists are celebrating the reopening of Lions Road before Christmas.

Media Releases

Labor invests millions into fixing regional waste

Lismore MP Janelle Saffin is encouraging the five councils in her electorate to apply for their share of the NSW Government’s Landfill Consolidation and Environmental Improvement Program.

Media Release
Media Releases

Community has $9.7-million win on roads, huge backlog remains

Janelle Saffin MP spent most of last year in Parliament advocating for more road funding. She welcomes a $9.7-million injection for four local councils but warns there is at least a $142-million backlog which needs addressing.

Media Release
Media Releases

Pothole repair funding a win but more needed in 2023

Janelle Saffin MP has welcomed State funding for pothole repair as a win from her advocacy but says more is needed and called on The Nationals to honour their promise of taking back 15,000kms of regional roads.

Media Releases

Community War Memorials Fund round opens

“I was very pleased to see that the Anglican Parish of Lismore had received $10,000 for two projects in a previous funding round. Kyogle Council received $3000 to assess the condition of the Mallanganee Memorial Gates.