Tag: Jenny Aitchison MP

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Get ready for a more resilient Clarence Way

Lismore MP Janelle Saffin says a significant betterment package for the Clarence Way includes delivery of one of her key election commitments to Kyogle Council — $4 million towards improving flood immunity between Sandilands and Bonalbo.

Media Releases

New Greens Bridge officially opens

Lismore MP Janelle Saffin has welcomed the opening of a new Green Bridge on Stony Chute Road near Nimbin. She says it’s a great example of building back better.

Media Releases

Nimbin Road recovery part two complete

Lismore MP Janelle Saffin has congratulated Lismore City Council and Civil Mining and Construction on completing remediation of two major landslips on Nimbin Road, describing it as an engineering feat.

Media Releases

New public bus services delivered for Tweed region

The Minns Labor Government is rolling out more public bus services in the Tweed region to cater for an expected increased demand when the new Tweed Valley Hospital opens in Kingscliff. Janelle Saffin MP says Murwillumbah passengers will benefit from an extended route.

Media Releases

Faster recovery funding for disaster-hit communities

Lismore MP and NSW Parliamentary Secretary for Disaster Recovery Janelle Saffin has welcomed the NSW Government’s new funding pathway to make it easier for seven local councils to rebuild roads and transport infrastructure following natural disasters.

Media Release
Media Releases

Flood-damaged Richmond Valley road to be built back better

NSW Parliamentary Secretary for Disaster Recovery Janelle Saffin says $3 million of a $15.8-million Naughtons Gap Road rebuild project in Richmond Valley will go towards betterment works, making the road more resilient for future natural disasters.