Saffin welcomes EPA funding for local waste solutions

Lismore MP Janelle Saffin has welcomed EPA grants success for North East Waste and Byron Shire Council.

MEMBER for Lismore Janelle Saffin says two local projects have been awarded grants under the NSW Environment Protection Authority’s Local Government Waste Solutions Fund (LGWS).  

“Byron Shire Council and North East Waste have been successful in the latest round of LGWS funding which was for new projects aimed at improving the way we reuse and recycle products to minimise waste.   

“I congratulate both organisations for their innovative projects.” 

North East Waste has been awarded $110,00 for Finding Pathways to Better Practice for Hard to Recover Resources.  

Co-ordinator Jeanie McKillop said North East Waste is working with member Councils to improve the diversion of a range of hard to recycle materials from landfill.   

“Some construction and demolition materials, such as concrete, are reasonably easy to reuse, but products such as timber, gyprock and hard plastics are more difficult to place in the reuse or reprocessing market in regional areas. ”  

Byron Shire Council has been granted $198,500 for Building Byron’s Reuse Economy.   

Danielle Hanigan, Manager Resource Recovery said Byron Shire Council is committed to a long-term, sustainable solution to takeaway packaging and the throw-away culture.   

“As waste managers we are taking on the challenge of being leaders in this space.  

“We are extremely grateful to the NSW Government for this grant which will be help us build local processes and work with businesses that provide reuse systems such as washing stations for coffee cups, plates and cutlery.  

“Our aim is to not only support event managers to run sustainable activities, but to also show the community and visitors that reuse is possible if the will is there.”  

Ms Saffin said both projects could see more waste recycled and less going to landfill.  

“I look forward to seeing how these projects can help us build a stronger circular economy for our community.”   

For more information on all grants awarded under this program visit the EPA website: