Waste levy lifted in Kyogle LGA, saving ratepayers $400,000 a year

Janelle Saffin MP keeps delivering on her 2023 election commitments in 2024. In a major win for common sense, the waste levy is being removed from the Kyogle LGA, saving council and ratepayers an estimated $400,000 a year for the next three years.
Media Release

LISMORE MP Janelle Saffin has secured a major win for the residents of Kyogle, who will not have to pay a levy to dispose of waste at landfill sites for the next three years.

The waste levy is being removed from Kyogle Local Government Area, from this Friday (1 March 2024) to 30 June 2027.

“I am proud to deliver on one of my key election commitments to address historic unfairness in who pays landfill charge in New South Wales,” Ms Saffin says.

The three-year exemption, which is part of an Amendment Regulation, will remove the $94 per tonne cost from the disposal of all waste to landfill.

It’s estimated that will save Kyogle Council and local ratepayers about $400,000 a year.

Waste facilities within the Kyogle LGA will still be liable to pay the waste levy on waste generated and received from the Regional Levy Area (excluding Kyogle LGA) and the Metropolitan Levy Area.

Ms Saffin says Kyogle, more of a rural LGA like neighbouring Tenterfield Shire, should never have been grouped in with coastal LGAs within the Regional Levy Area.

“This Amendment Regulation is a win for common sense, but I encourage all Kyogle residents to still think very carefully about what they send to landfill and recycle responsibly whenever possible to help keep our valuable materials in the circular economy and out of the tip.”

The NSW Government is investing $356 million under the Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy to fund critical recycling programs and to help reduce waste that goes to landfill and is subject to the NSW waste levy.

The Environment Protection Authority is undertaking a statewide and holistic waste levy review, approved by NSW Environment Minister Penny Sharpe and in line with recommendations of the NSW Auditor-General.

The review is aimed at ensuring that the waste levy settings remain appropriate and that the levy is achieving its policy objectives.

If anyone has any queries about the Amendment Regulation, please contact the Environment Protection Authority’s Environment Line on 131 555.