Free diary helps local seniors know their rights

Janelle Saffin MP's Electorate Office at 55 Carrington Street, Lismore, has taken delivery of free 2024 Legal Aid diaries for local seniors, but be quick as stocks won't last long.

MEMBER for Lismore Janelle Saffin MP says seniors can now pick up the Free 2024 Legal Aid Diary from her electorate office.

“This is a very popular diary, full of tips for seniors about navigating the law from managing financial hardship to avoiding scams and resolving neighbour disputes.

“The diary is a trustworthy source of legal information about consumer rights as well as information about how to seek help if you have a complaint about a service.

“It also includes health and wellbeing tips and money-saving advice.

“The NSW Government is pleased to be able to provide the free seniors diary and calendar because it is a handy one-stop-shop for legal information.

“Seniors can pick up a copy of the free diary or calendar from my office at 55 Carrington Street, Lismore.

“The diaries and calendars are also available at libraries across the electorate, but they do go quickly.”

HANDY RESOURCE: Janelle Saffin MP hands Ted a free Legal Aid Diary to plan the year ahead.