Tenterfield Aerodrome funding boosts firefighting effort

LISMORE MP Janelle Saffin says $50,000 allocated by the NSW Government towards a large capacity water tank at Tenterfield Aerodrome is already paying dividends, with water bombers using the tank water to fight bushfires in the area.
People at Tenterfield Aerodrome

The funding is being delivered as part of the NSW Government’s $37.2 million Local Small Commitments Allocation Program.

“I am very pleased to be able to come through on my election commitment for this vital investment, which has enabled the Friends of Tenterfield Aerodrome Association to install the tank as part of its disaster readiness hub ahead of this year’s bushfire season,” Ms Saffin said.

“The 200,000 litre tank is already providing water to the fixed wing aircraft tackling the ongoing fire emergency in the Tenterfield area, which is of enormous benefit to our firies on the ground and threatened communities.”

As well as facilitating the installation of the firefighting water tank, the funding is also being used to cover the cost of a pump, pipework and pump shed.

Friends of Tenterfield Aerodrome Association President Rob Evans said memories of the devasting 2019/20 bushfires were still fresh in locals’ minds.

“This funding allocation has made the aerodrome disaster ready, and the current emergency is showing the value of this asset to the community,” he said.

“It has enabled fixed-wing aircraft to do a rapid turnaround on the firegrounds, which are very close to Tenterfield.”

For further information on the Local Small Commitments Allocation Program visit https://www.nsw.gov.au/grants-and-funding/lsca-home

Monday 6 November 2023