Fixing Local Roads Round 4 funding flows to councils
Janelle Saffin MP has welcomed Fixing Local Roads Round 4 funding flowing to local councils in our Electorate of Lismore with projects due to start within 12 months.
Member for Lismore
Janelle Saffin MP has welcomed Fixing Local Roads Round 4 funding flowing to local councils in our Electorate of Lismore with projects due to start within 12 months.
Janelle Saffin MP has welcomed three Community and Place grants totalling $445,000 to boost Bundjalung Tribal Society’s nursery operations and wrap-around community programs.
Janelle Saffin MP is celebrating Field Days Awareness Week 2023 and looking forward to Norco Primex’s 39th anniversary year event in May.
We are located at:
55 Carrington Street, Lismore NSW 2480
PO Box 52, Lismore NSW 2480
02 6621 3624
09.00 – 16.00
09.00 – 16.00
09.00 – 16.00
09.00 – 14.00
09.00 – 16.00
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