Tag: Mal Lanyon APM

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Plans to recycle, reuse and record history of buyback homes

Lismore MP and NSW Parliamentary Secretary for Disaster Recovery Janelle Saffin has received a briefing on how buyback homes which cannot be relocated will be deconstructed so their building materials can be recycled and reused. Their cultural significance will also be recorded.

Media Releases

Major milestones in disaster recovery for Northern Rivers

NSW Parliamentary Secretary for Disaster Recovery and Lismore MP Janelle Saffin joined Ministers Paul Scully and Jihad Dib to update local communities on major milestones in disaster recovery for the Northern Rivers.

Media Releases

Mal Lanyon APM to lead NSW Reconstruction Authority

Former top-ranking policeman Mal Lanyon is the best person to lead the NSW Reconstruction Authority, according to NSW Parliamentary Secretary for Disaster Recovery and Lismore MP Janelle Saffin.