Part One of Nimbin Road recovery completed
Janelle Saffin MP has welcomed completion of major road and landslip rehabilitation works on a section of Nimbin Road badly damaged by the February 2022 natural disaster.
Member for Lismore
Janelle Saffin MP has welcomed completion of major road and landslip rehabilitation works on a section of Nimbin Road badly damaged by the February 2022 natural disaster.
Janelle Saffin MP has welcomed Fixing Local Roads Round 4 funding flowing to local councils in our Electorate of Lismore with projects due to start within 12 months.
Janelle Saffin MP spent most of last year in Parliament advocating for more road funding. She welcomes a $9.7-million injection for four local councils but warns there is at least a $142-million backlog which needs addressing.
Janelle Saffin MP strongly supported Lismore City Council and South Lismore Celtics Football Club in successful funding applications for lighting upgrades to Hepburn Park and the Celtics’ main ground respectively.
Janelle Saffin MP has welcomed Crown lands funding to repair the Wilsons River’s riverbank in Lismore and to make improvements to Lismore and Woodenbong showgrounds.
Janelle Saffin MP has welcomed State funding for pothole repair as a win from her advocacy but says more is needed and called on The Nationals to honour their promise of taking back 15,000kms of regional roads.
While Janelle Saffin MP has welcomed Transport for NSW’s confirmation of planning for dual carriageway of the Bruxner Highway between Goonellabah and Wollongbar, she is insisting that interim safety measures should come first.
Lismore MP Janelle Saffin linked South Lismore resident Harper Dalton, of the Relocate Lismore Homes Facebook page, with the man who directed Grantham’s relocation, Jamie Simmons. Mr Simmons also met with Lismore City councillors, Resilient Lismore and the Northern Rivers Reconstruction Corporation.
Janelle Saffin MP’s strong, sustained advocacy has paid off with the NSW Government committing $7.5 million towards two townhouse developments on flood-free land owned by Lismore City Council.
Janelle Saffin MP is lobbying the NSW Government for a one-off $400,000 grant so Lismore City Council can construct and maintain an amenities block in Nimbin’s Peace Park. The local community has been fighting for the facility for 15 years.
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55 Carrington Street, Lismore NSW 2480
PO Box 52, Lismore NSW 2480
02 6621 3624
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09.00 – 16.00
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