Tag: Janelle Saffin MP

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New public bus services delivered for Tweed region

The Minns Labor Government is rolling out more public bus services in the Tweed region to cater for an expected increased demand when the new Tweed Valley Hospital opens in Kingscliff. Janelle Saffin MP says Murwillumbah passengers will benefit from an extended route.

Media Releases

New Build to Rent site secured in Lismore

The Minns Labor Government and NSW Parliamentary Secretary for Disaster Recovery Janelle Saffin are delivering on a major election commitment, siting a Build To Rent pilot project on land at Lismore’s Southern Cross University. It will deliver 50 new rental homes, with 20 per cent set aside for affordable housing.

Media Releases

Time for action on a NSW Autism Strategy

Lismore MP Janelle Saffin has called for action on developing a NSW Autism Strategy following the recent release of the Australian Government’s Draft National Autism Strategy.

Media Releases

Four new bus shelters on the way for Lismore: Saffin

Lismore City Council will build four new bus shelters, courtesy of a $70,000 NSW Government investment under the Country Passenger Transport Infrastructure Grant Scheme. Lismore MP Janelle Saffin confirmed that three would be located in Goonellabah and a fourth near Lismore Base Hospital.

Media Releases

Mal Lanyon APM to lead NSW Reconstruction Authority

Former top-ranking policeman Mal Lanyon is the best person to lead the NSW Reconstruction Authority, according to NSW Parliamentary Secretary for Disaster Recovery and Lismore MP Janelle Saffin.