Saffin welcomes 22 new Probationary Constables to local beats
Lismore MP Janelle Saffin has welcomed 22 new Probationary Constables who are starting their careers at stations across her electorate or in neighbouring electorates.
Member for Lismore
Lismore MP Janelle Saffin has welcomed 22 new Probationary Constables who are starting their careers at stations across her electorate or in neighbouring electorates.
NSW Parliamentary Secretary for Disaster Recovery Janelle Saffin has reopened Naughtons Gap Road near Casino following a $15.8-million project to restore stability to a landslip area and a section of the road.
Lismore MP Janelle Saffin is encouraging the five councils in her electorate to apply for their share of the NSW Government’s Landfill Consolidation and Environmental Improvement Program.
Lismore MP Janelle Saffin has worked with Local Government Minister Ron Hoenig, USU General Secretary Graeme Kelly and Lismore City Council to keep its waste service in public hands, avoiding the need for private contractors.
Know a local senior who stands out as a tireless contributor to your community?
Lismore MP Janelle Saffin encourages you to nominate them for a 2025 NSW Seniors Festival Local Achievement Award.
NSW Parliamentary Secretary for Disaster Recovery Janelle Saffin says co-locating NSW Police and Fire and Rescue NSW on centrally-located Crown land in Byron Bay makes sense and should be a model for similar developments in future.
NSW Parliamentary Secretary for Disaster Recovery Janelle Saffin has welcomed the Australian Government’s $90-million contribution to the second tranche of the Resilient Homes Program. This funding matches New South Wales’ contribution of $90 million and will enable more buybacks of flood-impacted homes in the Northern Rivers region.
Lismore MP Janelle Saffin says DA approval for 50 build-to-rent apartments at East Lismore means a $30-million election commitment is closer to being delivered.
Lismore MP Janelle Saffin says National Asbestos Awareness Week is a reminder to be vigilant to the dangers of asbestos.
Lismore MP Janelle Saffin is proud to be delivering on her key election commitment of $12 million to renew 12 old timber bridges within the Kyogle LGA. The program has started with a modern, more resilient Sugar Glider Road bridge (pictured).
We are located at:
55 Carrington Street, Lismore NSW 2480
PO Box 52, Lismore NSW 2480
02 6621 3624
09.00 – 16.00
09.00 – 16.00
09.00 – 16.00
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09.00 – 16.00
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